Larry Achiampong: Relic Traveller
September 9 → January 9, 2022
For Larry Achiampong's first solo exhibition in the Americas, the PHI Foundation presents Relic Traveller, a large multidisciplinary project begun in 2017
Free admission Reservations required
Workshop Schedule
In English: 10:30 AM to 12 PM
In French: 2 PM to 4 PM
PHI Foundation
465 Saint-Jean Street
Montréal, Québec H2Y 2R5
Education Room (basement)
Places are limited—please reserve your spot by contacting Daniel Fiset at [email protected].
For the 2021 Journées de la culture, the PHI Foundation invites Concordia University’s Oral History and Digital Storytelling team to facilitate an introductory oral history workshop. This free workshop will allow you to learn more about the various ways of preserving testimonies and contribute to the archiving of experiences and lives too often erased from history.
The event will take place on Saturday September 25. An English workshop will be offered from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, and a French workshop will be offered from 2 PM to 4 PM. Both workshops will take place in PHI Foundation’s Education Room (465 Saint-Jean Street, basement level).
This activity is offered in the context of the workshop In heart and life and longing. Capturing Your Lived Experience, a project initiated by artist Andrew Jackson in collaboration with PHI Foundation and DESTA Black Youth Network. For this project, a group of photographers will collaborate in the making of a collective archive of Little Burgundy.
Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling
The Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (COHDS/CHORN) is based at Concordia University. It explores the links between oral history, digital media, the arts and education. It collects, archives, analyzes and shares audiovisual oral history records, primarily through its members’ projects and initiatives—which have historically shaped the Centre’s identity and values, placing the principle of shared authority at its core. COHDS serves as a point of convergence, meeting and discussion for all those interested in oral history within the university and beyond. Since 2018, COHDS includes theActs of Listening Lab (ALLab), which prioritizes research and creation in relation to oral history, performance, and listening.
For Larry Achiampong's first solo exhibition in the Americas, the PHI Foundation presents Relic Traveller, a large multidisciplinary project begun in 2017
For Larry Achiampong's first solo exhibition in the Americas, the PHI Foundation presents Relic Traveller, a large multidisciplinary project begun in 2017
The PHI Foundation for Contemporary Art is pleased to present Oma-je, the largest North American exhibition to date by acclaimed French artist Laure Prouvost
The story of a Quebec filmmaker shaped through music