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Phi Studio Vincent Morisset artiste Composition Viviengaumand 10

Vincent Morisset

Vincent Morisset, founder of the studio AATOAA, is a director known for his artful use of technology and creative interactions transforming how we experience media and public spaces.

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Photo: Vivien Gaumand

Compo sition

Vincent Morisset is a director known for his artful use of technology and creative interactions. He’s also the founder of the studio AATOAA (pronounced “à toi”, meaning “yours”). This group of artists has been transforming how we experience the Internet, games, public spaces and films.

Morisset rose to prominence following his collaboration with Arcade Fire; many consider Neon Bible (2007) the first interactive music video, and Just a Reflektor won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Interactive Program. With Icelandic band Sigur Rós, Morisset directed their groundbreaking live-experience INNI, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival. In 2015, he showed Way to Go at Sundance, won three Webbys, and brought home the People’s Choice of the Year award at FWA. More recently, he has worked on the pieces Vast Body, presented at the PHI Centre in 2019, Habitat and Motto.

During a residency with the PHI Studio in 2019–2021, Vincent Morisset created the interactive work Composition. The artist developed this project alongside Caroline Robert and Édouard Lanctôt-Benoit from the studio AATOAA in collaboration with Vlooper.

The residency in images

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